Dr. Mumtaz Virji, Division Head
The Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine is the Department of Pediatric’s largest Division, with 45 community based, and eleven hospital based Pediatricians.
The mission of the division is to provide comprehensive, interdisciplinary, specialized pediatric health care, education, research and advocacy for the well-being of all children and youth.
Our pediatricians provide inpatient care and education to our trainees on 2 Clinical Teaching Units, and newborn care at Women’s Hospital.
The Division has developed a Complex Care team, providing both inpatient and outpatient services to this growing population of children and youth with medical complexity throughout the province.
Division members provide consultation services throughout the hospital, work in the ambulatory setting of BCCH providing specialized pediatric clinical services, and support subspecialty and multidisciplinary teams such as the plagiocephaly, vascular anomalies, spinal and craniofacial clinics.
Child Protection services are provided by specialized pediatricians and emergency department physicians, who work in a team setting to best serve both the inpatient and outpatient areas, and consult on a provincial level.
At Canuck Place, Pediatric Palliative Medicine is delivered through the collaborative efforts of an interdisciplinary team. Dr. Hal Siden, Director of Canuck Place, and his physician colleagues are all members of the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Through collaboration, education and research, the physicians provide leadership in the improvement of pediatric palliative care at regional, national and international levels.
Members of the Division provide an outreach service to Whitehorse Hospital and work collaboratively with colleagues in the greater Vancouver area and the Provincial Hospitals.
Division members are active in both the Undergraduate and Postgraduate training. The Undergraduate Program Director, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Program Director, Year 4 Electives Director and the site leader at BCCH are members of the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. The Associate Director of the Residency program is also a division member. Our members are also involved actively in the Simulation Program, PALS instruction, NRP instruction and Continuing Medical Education.
Division members are involved in global child health projects internationally, and work closely with the Province of British Columbia in expanding the Social Pediatrics program, focusing on the under serviced population in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside through the RICHER program.
UPDATED Nov 25 2024
Dr. Mumtaz Virji
Dr. Anne Feng
Dr. Janet Greenman
Brittany Sundhu
Dr. Mumtaz Virji, Division Head
Dr. Amie Dmytryshyn
Dr. Claire Seaton
Dr. Dianna Louie
Dr. Dylan Ehman
Dr. Erik Swartz
Dr. Gilbert Lam
Dr. Janell Lautermilch
Dr. Jasmine Vafi
Dr. Jennifer Retallack
Dr. Jennifer Smitten (CTU Director of Quality)
Dr. Jessica Nicoll
Dr. Katie Boone
Dr. Kristopher Kang
Dr. Lindy Lee Green
Dr. Matthew Carwana
Dr. Megan Kilvert
Dr. Mia Remington
Dr. Nita Jain
Dr. Regan Ebbeson
Dr. Samara Laskin
Dr. Tanjot Singh
Dr. Thomas McLaughlin (CTU Director of Clinical Operations)
Dr. Victoria Atkinson
Ainsley Byers
Dr. Esther Lee (medical lead)
Dr. Elizabeth Grant
Dr. Erin Peebles
Dr. Nassr Nama
Dr. Katie Boone
Dr. Nikki Tyminski
Tessa Diaczun (NP)
Dr. Matt Carwana
Dr. Elizabeth DeKlerk
Dr. Amie Dymtryshyn
Dr. Rob Everett
Dr. Pernille Faabourg-Anderson
Dr. Robynn Geier
Dr. Shawn George
Dr. Keyvan Hadad
Dr. Anne Marie Jekyll
Dr. Kris Kang
Dr. Megan Kilvert
Dr. Michelle Lai
Dr. Samara Laskin
Dr. Sofie Lopez
Dr. Peter Louie
Dr. Naomi Paice
Dr. Min Sen Phang
Dr. Seemi Roopani
Dr. Vicki leung
Dr. Sharon Yong
Dr. Grace Yu
The Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship program is a one year training program focused on hospital based clinical skills, quality improvement, leadership and healthcare scholarship. This newly evolving sub-speciality aims to develop the next generation of academic focused, hospital based pediatricians.
The curriculum is composed of 13, 4 week blocks (including 1 block of vacation). It is based on the US Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship Curriculum and will comprise of 3 main sections: 1. Clinical care, 2. Systems and Scholarship, and 3. Individualized clinical curriculum.
Eligibility: Applicants should have successfully completed a RCPSC, ACGME or equivalent accredited residency program in pediatrics and are FRCPC qualified (equivalent or eligible). In addition, they must meet all College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) requirements, including English language proficiency (if English was not the official language of medical education),
The application deadline is the end of August, for a start on July 1 the following year. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact us well before the application deadline to discuss their interests and application. Applicants should submit their most current Curriculum Vitae, three referee names and contact information and a personal statement regarding their interest in pursuing a fellowship in Pediatric Hospital Medicine to: claire.seaton@cw.bc.ca
Pediatric Hospital Medicine PRISm Rounds Session Information
PrisM Rounds: PediatRIc hoSpital Medicine Rounds
Aim: A weekly focus for the Hospital Medicine Section of our Division, open to all Pediatric Hospital Medicine Staff, learners and allied health. An opportunity to promote collaborative learning, advance evidence-based health care and ultimately improve clinical care for our patients. Rolling topics will include M+M meetings, Case Based Discussions, Journal Club, Research Updates, Quality Improvement and Health Equity Rounds.
When: Every Thursday* 8:15am-9am on Zoom (Hybrid/In-Person, see weekly invite for details)
- First Thursday of the month: Closed for onsite Learners only