Dear Colleagues:
We would like to build on the momentum from International Women’s Day on March 8th by celebrating Canadian women physicians on March 11th. This date marks the day in 1875 when Dr. Jennie Trout became the first woman licensed to practice medicine in Canada.
Dr. Trout’s path was not simple; Canadian medical schools at the time did not accept female students, so she trained at the Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1875. Returning to Toronto, she set up a private practice and eventually helped found the Women’s Medical College in Kingston, Ontario. You can read more about the history of Canadian Women Physicians Day here.
Since 1875, much has changed for women physicians, but there remain challenges for those who identify as women in the field of medicine. We hope that March 11th inspires you to take a moment to think about the invaluable contributions your female colleagues, mentors, and students are making. Female physicians have come far since 1875 but there is much to be done to create an equitable health profession.
In that spirit, we would like to spotlight three female physicians from the Department of Pediatrics who were nominated by their colleagues to be celebrated. They are: Drs. Mumtaz Virji, Claire Seaton, and Melissa Paquette.
Learn more about each of these inspirational women! VIEW SPOTLIGHTS
Caron & Steven
Caron Strahlendorf, MBBCh, FCP, FRCPC, D. Health
Clinical Professor of Pediatrics
Head, Division of Hematology and Oncology & BMT
Deputy, Department of Pediatrics
UBC & BC Children’s Hospital
Dr. Steven Paul Miller, MDCM FRCPC FRSC (He, Him, His)
Hudson Family Hospital Chair in Pediatric Medicine | James and Annabel McCreary Chair in Pediatrics
Professor and Head, Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Chief, Pediatric Medicine, BC Children’s Hospital