How to help your child handle a visit to the emergency department | Dr. Justina Marianayagam
Check out the latest article by Dr. Justina Marianayagam, pediatric resident with UBC and Co-Chair with Solutions for Kids in Pain. The article provides tips to support parents/caregivers that may be bringing their child to the ER this busy winter season. Read the full article here:
Congratulations to Dr. Mia Remington!
Dr. Remington was awarded the 2024 PGME Program Director Award for all of her hard work and dedication supporting our residents. She is the Co-Director of the UBC Pediatrics Residency Program and a Clinical Assistant Professor with the Department of Pediatrics, UBC. Each year UBC PGME recognizes faculty and staff that demonstrate exceptional program leadership, […]
The Hudson Family Trainee Program
We are excited to announce the successful candidates for The Hudson Family Trainee Program, a 1-year funded clinical fellowship opportunity, in the Department of Pediatrics. This fellowship allows newly qualified pediatric residents or current fellows in Canadian residency/fellowship programs to gain experience and skills in subspecialties or research areas that complement their primary area of […]