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Congratulations to Dr. Anne Synnes!

Dr. Synnes is the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Neonatologist Award from the Canadian Paediatric Society. She is a neonatologist, clinical professor, researcher, and leader in neonatal follow-up. Her passion is improving outcomes for vulnerable children born sick or preterm. Dr.Synnes was a steering committee member of the Canadian Neonatal Network from its earliest days, […]

Congratulations to Dr. Stuart Turvey!

Recently, Dr. Turvey was bestowed with the 2024 Career Research Award from the Canadian Paediatric Society for both his research and for mentoring the next generation of child health clinician-scientists. He is a clinical immunologist and professor of paediatrics at the University of British Columbia. Established in 2009, the Career Research Award is a biennial […]

Congratulations Dr. Glen Ward!

Congratulations to Dr. Glen Ward on receiving his Life Membership Award from the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) to recognize his engagement with CPS over the years. Life Membership is an honour reserved for members who have made a significant contribution to the CPS. Life members have demonstrated tremendous dedication to advancing the health of children […]

Congratulations Dr. Kayla Parker!

Every year, students from the Southern Medical Program (SMP) recognize outstanding faculty and staff that made an impact to their medical education. For a second year in a row, Dr. Kayla Parker, Clinical Instructor with the Department of Pediatrics, based out of Kamloops was recognized. In 2023, Dr. Parker was awarded the Year 3 Southern […]