Image (clockwise, from left to right): Drs. Tim Oberlander, Mariana Brussoni, Matt Carwana and Christine Voss
Earlier this year, Dr. Tim Oberlander was the latest faculty member to join the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) led by Dr. Mariana Brussoni.
Dr. Oberlander is co-leading a project to create a community garden and nature therapy program at BCCHR and he was part of the team that worked tirelessly to get BC Children’s Hospital designated as a certified ChildKind healthcare facility.
HELP is a collaborative research and knowledge mobilization centre that brings together expertise, from across disciplines and sectors, to contribute to improving conditions that promote an equitable start in life for all children and their families. MORE
Learn more about their work:
Tim Oberlander, Professor, Dept of Pediatrics and School of Population and Public Health
Mariana Brussoni, Director, HELP & Professor, Department of Pediatrics & SPPH
Matt Carwana, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Christine Voss, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics