Dr. Andrew Macnab, various collaborators and students from the Stand Tall School in Kampala, Uganda have created a music video to end sexual violence against girls and women, entitled Tekawo Enjawulo. See: https://bit.ly/3iKonE1
Tekawo Enjawulo is part of a 16-day campaign running November 25th to Dec 19th 2022 led by UN Women and their UNITE to End Violence against Women initiative.
Tekawo Enjawulo was funded by Rose Charities, an organization that Dr. Macnab has been affiliated with for over 15 years.
Under his leadership as the Pediatric Residency Training Program Director, Dr. Andrew Macnab, led a very successful community outreach program with residents and the Tsimshian First Nation’s communities along the Pacific Northwest.
In 2006 he was asked to translate this community impact model to have a more global reach which became the Brighter Smiles Uganda project by Rose Charities.
Over the years, Brighter Smiles Uganda has taken several groups of pediatric residents and UBC students to Uganda:
“It was great to work with people in the local community and learn what’s truly possible versus what’s theoretically possible.” – Dr. Lynzie Taylor, MD, Full Circle Family Practice & Brighter Smiles Africa, Uganda Team 2006
“Sexual violence against girls and women is Africa is epidemic. We are very excited about the message of empowerment that Tekawo Enjawulo represents. Our research has shown that music videos with influential celebrities containing health messages are an effective form of health promotion in Africa.” – Dr. Andrew Macnab, Professor & former Director, Pediatric Residency Training Program, UBC Department of Pediatrics
SEE: A J Macnab, R Mukisa, Celebrity endorsed music videos: innovation to foster youth health promotion, Health Promotion International, Volume 34, Issue 4, August 2019, Pages 716–725, https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/day042
Take action today against Gender-based Violence: https://bit.ly/3iK6Ewu