Congratulations Dr. Shelina Babul!

Dr. Shelina Babul, Clinical Professor, Associate Director, Sports Injury Specialist, BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit

On May 25 2022, the UBC Faculty of Medicine celebrated the academic achievements and distinguished careers of faculty members.

Recipients from across the faculty wore black gowns to mark their recent promotions to Professor, Clinical Professor or Professor of Teaching.

The exemplary work of Dr. Shelina Babul was acknowledged at the 2022 UBC Faculty of Medicine Academic Gowns and Emeriti Recognition Ceremony. 

UBC/BCCH career highlights for Dr. Babul include: appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor in 2002; BCIRPU Associate Director 2007-present; Brain Waves Director 2009-present; and Clinical Professor in 2021.

Her research includes sport and recreational evidence-based research and knowledge implementation, with a focus on concussions/traumatic brain injuries. She developed the online Concussion Awareness Training Tool utilized by medical professionals, coaches, parents, school professionals, athletes and those supporting survivors of partner violence both nationally and internationally.

Drs. Steven Miller, Shelina Babul and Roger Wong

Dr. Shelina Babul completed her PhD in Exercise Physiology at UBC in 2001. As the Associate Director and Sports Injury Specialist with the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, BC Children’s Hospital, she is the lead for sport and recreational evidence-based research and knowledge implementation, specializing in concussion recognition and management. Dr. Babul’s research focus includes: Identifying critical gaps in injury prevention; Concussion research and strategies to promote uptake of effective interventions; and Coordination of local, provincial, and national concussion efforts. Dr. Babul developed the Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT), with e-learning modules for medical professionals, coaches, athletes and other audiences. She is a member of the Canadian Traumatic Brain Injury Research Consortium and the International Brain Injury Association. Her awards include a Gold 2021 International Safety Media Award for
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