Dr. Quynh Doan

Dr. Laura Sly
The YWCA Women of Distinction Awards honours individuals and organizations whose outstanding activities and achievements contribute to the well-being and future of the community. This year, five women from across PHSA have been included in this year’s list of nominees. PHSA’s nominees span two categories: Health & Wellness and Research, the Sciences & Technology.
These women are recognized for achieving outstanding success in their fields by:
– Showing vision and initiative to break new ground or old barriers
– Demonstrating accomplishments that help her stand out amongst her peers
– Being a leader and role model
– Participating actively as a volunteer
– Being recognized by her community for her sustained commitment and contribution within her category
Drs. Doan & Sly were both nominated in the Research, the Sciences & Technology Category.
Dr. Doan is a recognized pediatrician, medical researcher and educator. She is an advocate for child and youth mental health and addictions across BC and Canada. Her health services research has broken new ground on issues of access and overcrowding in Emergency Departments and her innovative research in youth mental health has led to the development of novel screening tools to identify social, behavioral, psychiatric and substance abuse issues in children and youth.
Dr. Sly is an immunologist and leader in intestinal inflammation research at BC Children’s Hospital. Dr. Sly is also an associate professor, Division of Gastroenterology in the Department of Pediatrics at UBC and an associate dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at UBC.
Full announcement: https://pod.phsa.ca/news/Pages/PHSA-staff-nominated-for-YWCA-award.aspx