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Not all anticancer drugs are created equal. Certain chemotherapeutic agents do more than just kill the tumor cells.

To read the full article by Dr. James Lim Chinten, PhD, please click on the link below: C-C Liu, P Leclair, M Monajemi, LM Sly, GS Reid and CJ Lim.α-Integrin expression and function modulates presentation of cell surface calreticulin. Cell Death and Disease (2016) 7, e2268 For more information: Dr. James Lim Chinten, PhD UBC […]

Dr. Pei-Yoong Lam appointed Medical Director for the Provincial Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Program at BC Children’s Hospital

Since joining the Department of Adolescent Medicine at BCCH in 2010, Pei-Yoong has been the medical lead for the Provincial Child and Adolescent Eating Disorders Program and provincial consultant for medically complex and unstable adolescent eating disorders patients. She sat on the advisory committee that created the provincial guidelines for the management of eating disorders […]